Statistics for thread
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General statistics  
Total posts 1220
First post 2008-08-27 06:42:00
Last post 2008-09-02 19:33:00
Duration 6 days (active period), 5721 days (since first post)
Daily average 203,3 posts/day (active period), 0,2 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 1 019 510
Longest post Kuolematon (6999 characters, posted 2008-08-27 18:07:00)
Average post length 835,7 chars/post
Unique authors 530 (avg 2,3 posts/author)
90-day posting graph
Top 50 posters in thread Posts (% of total)
Scagga Laebetrovo 46 (3,8%)
Kage Getsu 29 (2,4%)
Schalac 25 (2,0%)
Vikarion 22 (1,8%)
Korinn 19 (1,6%)
Semkhet 18 (1,5%)
Traidor Disloyal 16 (1,3%)
5pinDizzy 13 (1,1%)
N1fty 13 (1,1%)
Sheriff Jones 13 (1,1%)
Ga'len 12 (1,0%)
Smagd 12 (1,0%)
ShardowRhino 11 (0,9%)
Arthur Frayn 10 (0,8%)
Arte 10 (0,8%)
Cyberman Mastermind 10 (0,8%)
Joss Sparq 10 (0,8%)
MotherMoon 10 (0,8%)
Sythyss 10 (0,8%)
ApaKaka 9 (0,7%)
baltec1 9 (0,7%)
Drebble 9 (0,7%)
Frug 9 (0,7%)
teji 9 (0,7%)
Chribba 8 (0,7%)
Devilish Ledoux 8 (0,7%)
Dionisius 8 (0,7%)
Drunk Driver 8 (0,7%)
Haradgrim 8 (0,7%)
Daan Sai 7 (0,6%)
Dirk Magnum 7 (0,6%)
Falcon Troy 7 (0,6%)
Kuolematon 7 (0,6%)
Terianna Eri 7 (0,6%)
Tom Perrish 7 (0,6%)
bnogo 6 (0,5%)
Cailais 6 (0,5%)
Case Kovaks 6 (0,5%)
Gaia Thorn 6 (0,5%)
Le Skunk 6 (0,5%)
Ooyama 6 (0,5%)
Richard Garriott 6 (0,5%)
Silver Night 6 (0,5%)
Asestorian 5 (0,4%)
ArmyOfMe 5 (0,4%)
Cygnus Zhada 5 (0,4%)
Duncan MacPherson 5 (0,4%)
Krystal Demishy 5 (0,4%)
Larkonis Trassler 5 (0,4%)
Maria Kalista 5 (0,4%)
Top 25 alliance posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 860 (70,5%)
Pandemic Legion 27 (2,2%)
Red Dawn Alliance 22 (1,8%)
Black Hand. 18 (1,5%)
Southern Cross Alliance 12 (1,0%)
GoonSwarm 10 (0,8%)
H E L I C O N 10 (0,8%)
Twilight Imperium 10 (0,8%)
Vanguard. 10 (0,8%)
Cosmic Anomalies 8 (0,7%)
Otherworld Empire 8 (0,7%)
The Requiem 8 (0,7%)
Veto Corp 8 (0,7%)
Ethereal Dawn 7 (0,6%)
Sev3rance 7 (0,6%)
Exalted. 6 (0,5%)
Imperial Republic Of the North 6 (0,5%)
Motivated and Determined 6 (0,5%)
The Star Fraction 6 (0,5%)
Triumvirate. 6 (0,5%)
Vendetta Alliance. 6 (0,5%)
KIA Alliance 5 (0,4%)
Un-Natural Selection 5 (0,4%)
Top 25 corporation posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 222 (18,2%)
Ammatar Free Corps 47 (3,9%)
Sharks With Frickin' Laser Beams 30 (2,5%)
Apocalypse Reign 25 (2,0%)
BLACK 0RIGIN 22 (1,8%)
The Illuminati. 20 (1,6%)
Neo Spartans 18 (1,5%)
Spartan Industries 18 (1,5%)
I Am Not A Lawyer 16 (1,3%)
North Star Networks 14 (1,1%)
Clinical Experiment 13 (1,1%)
Galactic Shipyards Inc 13 (1,1%)
Umpteenth Podding 13 (1,1%)
Encina Technologies 12 (1,0%)
Legion 0f The Damned 11 (0,9%)
AFK 10 (0,8%)
Huang Yinglong 10 (0,8%)
Twilight Trading 10 (0,8%)
Tyrell Corp 10 (0,8%)
V.O.F.L IRON CORE 10 (0,8%)
Antares Shipyards 9 (0,7%)
Ars ex Discordia 9 (0,7%)
Lone Starr Corporation 9 (0,7%)
State Protectorate 9 (0,7%)
Deep Core Mining Inc. 8 (0,7%)
Ledoux Holdings 8 (0,7%)
Otherworld Enterprises 8 (0,7%)
Republic Military School 8 (0,7%)
Sincarnate Holding 8 (0,7%)
Space Perverts and Forum Warriors United 8 (0,7%)
Body Count Inc. 7 (0,6%)
HAZCON Inc 7 (0,6%)
Mystic Lion Hearts 7 (0,6%)
Scrutari 7 (0,6%)
Spearhead Endeavors 7 (0,6%)
Suddenly Ninjas 7 (0,6%)
Jericho Fraction 6 (0,5%)
Low Sec Liberators 6 (0,5%)
Naqam 6 (0,5%)
Personal Vendetta 6 (0,5%)
Rastana CMP 6 (0,5%)
Villains 6 (0,5%)
VITOC 6 (0,5%)
Black Lion Legion 5 (0,4%)
Ever Flow 5 (0,4%)
Imperial Academy 5 (0,4%)
Market Jihadist Revolutionary Party 5 (0,4%)
Reckless Corsairs 5 (0,4%)
Science and Trade Institute 5 (0,4%)

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