Statistics for thread
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General statistics  
Total posts 5637
First post 2007-07-02 15:07:00
Last post 2011-09-08 22:59:00
Duration 1529 days (active period), 6145 days (since first post)
Daily average 3,7 posts/day (active period), 0,9 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 2 939 268
Longest post Gripen (6976 characters, posted 2008-06-15 18:44:00)
Average post length 521,4 chars/post
Unique authors 3248 (avg 1,7 posts/author)
90-day posting graph
Top 50 posters in thread Posts (% of total)
Gripen 110 (2,0%)
Tonto Auri 95 (1,7%)
Zaqar 84 (1,5%)
Kaivaja 51 (0,9%)
Liang Nuren 48 (0,9%)
Power's Urge 39 (0,7%)
Mona X 38 (0,7%)
Meiyang Lee 38 (0,7%)
Furb Killer 36 (0,6%)
Josorna 28 (0,5%)
Aioa 23 (0,4%)
Esamir 19 (0,3%)
NoNah 19 (0,3%)
Sky Marshal 19 (0,3%)
Ziaxi 19 (0,3%)
Ishina Fel 17 (0,3%)
Rilwar 15 (0,3%)
steave435 15 (0,3%)
Xaen 14 (0,2%)
Chribba 14 (0,2%)
FabriceGP 13 (0,2%)
Fastercart 13 (0,2%)
Amaroq Dricaldari 12 (0,2%)
Keitaro Baka 12 (0,2%)
Meridius Dex 12 (0,2%)
Ranka Mei 12 (0,2%)
Seriously Bored 12 (0,2%)
Lobster Man 10 (0,2%)
McFly 10 (0,2%)
Asuka Smith 10 (0,2%)
DTson Gauur 10 (0,2%)
Pottsey 10 (0,2%)
Sidus Isaacs 10 (0,2%)
Y3R M4W 10 (0,2%)
Deux Machina 9 (0,2%)
BeanBagKing 9 (0,2%)
Ancy Denaries 9 (0,2%)
Soeniss Delazur 9 (0,2%)
Akita T 9 (0,2%)
Terianna Eri 9 (0,2%)
Deschenus Maximus 8 (0,1%)
Leandro Salazar 8 (0,1%)
FullMetal Basilisk 8 (0,1%)
Kentares Kodiak 8 (0,1%)
Mamba Lev 8 (0,1%)
Miss KillSome 8 (0,1%)
Hugh Ruka 8 (0,1%)
NightmareX 8 (0,1%)
Riho 8 (0,1%)
Triksterism 8 (0,1%)
Top 25 alliance posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 4231 (75,1%)
Against ALL Authorities 109 (1,9%)
GoonSwarm 61 (1,1%)
Gunboat Diplomacy 35 (0,6%)
Morsus Mihi 34 (0,6%)
Tau Ceti Federation 33 (0,6%)
Imperial Republic Of the North 25 (0,4%)
Pandemic Legion 25 (0,4%)
Interstellar Alcohol Conglomerate 23 (0,4%)
R i s e 21 (0,4%)
Triumvirate. 21 (0,4%)
R0ADKILL 18 (0,3%)
RAZOR Alliance 18 (0,3%)
Mercenary Coalition 15 (0,3%)
Paxton Federation 14 (0,2%)
Babylon Project 12 (0,2%)
Executive Outcomes 12 (0,2%)
Otherworld Empire 12 (0,2%)
Pure. 12 (0,2%)
The Star Fraction 12 (0,2%)
Agony Empire 11 (0,2%)
Brutally Clever Empire 11 (0,2%)
Curatores Veritatis Alliance 11 (0,2%)
Digital Renegades 11 (0,2%)
IT Alliance 11 (0,2%)
Top 25 corporation posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 2564 (45,5%)
Rage and Terror 101 (1,8%)
Pator Tech School 87 (1,5%)
Vhero' Multipurpose Corp 75 (1,3%)
Perkone 48 (0,9%)
Caldari Provisions 36 (0,6%)
Azteca Transportation Unlimited 35 (0,6%)
GoonFleet 31 (0,5%)
State War Academy 26 (0,5%)
Planetary Assault Systems 23 (0,4%)
Sniggerdly 21 (0,4%)
Synergy. 20 (0,4%)
Missions Mining and Mayhem 19 (0,3%)
Ars ex Discordia 16 (0,3%)
The Refugees 16 (0,3%)
The Graduates 15 (0,3%)
Aeden 14 (0,2%)
Brutor tribe 14 (0,2%)
Eve University 14 (0,2%)
The Blackguard Wolves 14 (0,2%)
Deep Core Mining Inc. 13 (0,2%)
Digital Fury Corporation 13 (0,2%)
School of Applied Knowledge 13 (0,2%)
Babylon Scientific and Industrial Enterprises 12 (0,2%)
Eternity INC. 12 (0,2%)
Otherworld Enterprises 12 (0,2%)
Agony Unleashed 11 (0,2%)
D00M. 11 (0,2%)
Ihatalo Heavy Industries 11 (0,2%)
The Scope 11 (0,2%)
Viziam 11 (0,2%)
Enheduanni Foundation 10 (0,2%)
Murder-Death-Kill 10 (0,2%)
State Protectorate 10 (0,2%)
BlackStar Industrial 9 (0,2%)
Caldari Navy Volunteer Task Force 9 (0,2%)
Jericho Fraction 9 (0,2%)
Sebiestor tribe 9 (0,2%)
StarHunt 9 (0,2%)
The Avalon Foundation 9 (0,2%)
22nd Black Rise Defensive Unit 8 (0,1%)
Aliastra 8 (0,1%)
Art of War 8 (0,1%)
C0LDFIRE 8 (0,1%)
Ch3mic4l Warfare 8 (0,1%)
Destructive Influence 8 (0,1%)
Divine Retribution 8 (0,1%)
Echolalia. 8 (0,1%)
IMpAct Corp 8 (0,1%)
Omega Fleet Enterprises 8 (0,1%)

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