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MaiLina KaTar
MaiLina KaTar

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Posted - 2004.05.28 13:23:00 - [1]

Edited by: MaiLina KaTar on 28/05/2004 13:27:19
This is a list of very small but very vital features I'd like to have added to the interface. Feel free to add your suggestions.

  • adjustable RC-menu delays
    When I hover my mouse over an item in my right-click menus it takes half a second for the sub-menu to appear. This is bad. I'd like to be able to set that delay to 0 ms. That would allow me to navigate through the menus without having to click every menu-item I'd like to select. Especially during combat this can greatly help navigating through the menus and it eliminates the chance of accidently clicking the wrong place.

  • adjustable ship-UI

  • Switching between hi-med-lo slots == bad!!
    I wanna see all of my modules in one place without having to switch. Since I'm not the only one playing this game however, there's got to be an option so that one can choose between multiple layouts (circular/all modules; circular/grouped; rectangular/all; rectangular/grouped;...).
    I'd also like to be able to move the ship-UI to other places or even stack it with other windows.

  • graphics & performance

  • The lighting effects on the interface look great of course, but I think they eat too much performance. Generally, the overall performance of the UI is still very bad. In some situations I get up to 25(!!!oneone11!!) FPS more as soon as I switch off the UI (ctrl-F9).
    No matter how you do it CCP... please change your UI so that it doesn't gobble frames like pacman.

  • showing hangar/cargo items as list
    Just like the UI, the icons in this game look great, but they effectively prevent you from efficiently managing hangar and cargo floors.
    I'd like to have an option where I can switch from icons to a list-view, where every item in a hangar is shown as a listentry with a very small icon next to it. A sideffect of this would be that the client wouldn't have to render hundreds of icons anymore (= performance!).

  • Blueprint icons

  • They need to be changed.
    Originals should show blue like they do now. Copies should be yellow and their remaining production runs should be shown on the icon. Copies with 0 remainind runs should show red or better yet... they should simply vanish since they aren't of any use anyway.
    Another thing I'd like to see added is the ability for me to stack identical BPs and BPCs. Agents give you stacked BPs, so why can't I stack identical copies aswell??

  • pinning windows

  • Pinned windows show as 100% transparent. This is bad! In the wondow options I'd like to be able to set the transparency and colors of pinned windows myself.
  • Corporation menu - accounts

  • It's fine that I can see all of my corp's assets in the corporation menu. It sucks big time however that items in the office's lists aren't ordered.
    I won't go into detail. Let's just say that the corporation menu needs a small overhaul. There are many features in that menu that could rock big time but right now they simply suck cause they aren't working properly.

  • Character sheet

  • When I hover my mouse over the character sheet button in the neocom the tooltip should show the skill I'm currently training and how much time is left until completion.

  • Chat

  • First of all, the background of the character listing should show my standing towards every character. When an enemy of mine enters local for example, the backround color of his charpic and name in the list should show the colors I have set in my scanner. For example when I've set people with bad standings to orange I'd like them to show with that background color in the chatlist.
    Additional icons should show deeper information like corporation, standings, threat level (outlaws!), etc etc.
    I'd also like to have an option to switch off the charpics in the listing of people in chat.

  • more tooltips!

  • Tooltips are so absolutely great. Diablo 2 is a great example here. By simply hovering your mouse over an item you can see all of its stats.
    In eve we should have an option to toggle the tooltip to make it show all of a modules information in the tooltip. That would save us the hassle of doing show-info on everything. As mentioned however you should be able to toggle this on/off because I know there are people who don't like these kind of tooltips.

  • reprocessing plant

  • We need checkboxes so that we can recycle multiple items at once!!
    You don't see this as priority?? Well then let me take your UI-guy and force him to recycle one of my corporation's bigger hangars. When he's done after 4 days he'll probably understand how important this is.
  • Escrow

  • Fix it!! Nuff said.

OK this is it for now. I know that nobody is going to give a damn but I just wanted to write it down.


Mai's Idealog
MaiLina KaTar
MaiLina KaTar

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Posted - 2004.05.28 13:23:00 - [2]

Edited by: MaiLina KaTar on 28/05/2004 13:27:19
This is a list of very small but very vital features I'd like to have added to the interface. Feel free to add your suggestions.

  • adjustable RC-menu delays
    When I hover my mouse over an item in my right-click menus it takes half a second for the sub-menu to appear. This is bad. I'd like to be able to set that delay to 0 ms. That would allow me to navigate through the menus without having to click every menu-item I'd like to select. Especially during combat this can greatly help navigating through the menus and it eliminates the chance of accidently clicking the wrong place.

  • adjustable ship-UI

  • Switching between hi-med-lo slots == bad!!
    I wanna see all of my modules in one place without having to switch. Since I'm not the only one playing this game however, there's got to be an option so that one can choose between multiple layouts (circular/all modules; circular/grouped; rectangular/all; rectangular/grouped;...).
    I'd also like to be able to move the ship-UI to other places or even stack it with other windows.

  • graphics & performance

  • The lighting effects on the interface look great of course, but I think they eat too much performance. Generally, the overall performance of the UI is still very bad. In some situations I get up to 25(!!!oneone11!!) FPS more as soon as I switch off the UI (ctrl-F9).
    No matter how you do it CCP... please change your UI so that it doesn't gobble frames like pacman.

  • showing hangar/cargo items as list
    Just like the UI, the icons in this game look great, but they effectively prevent you from efficiently managing hangar and cargo floors.
    I'd like to have an option where I can switch from icons to a list-view, where every item in a hangar is shown as a listentry with a very small icon next to it. A sideffect of this would be that the client wouldn't have to render hundreds of icons anymore (= performance!).

  • Blueprint icons

  • They need to be changed.
    Originals should show blue like they do now. Copies should be yellow and their remaining production runs should be shown on the icon. Copies with 0 remainind runs should show red or better yet... they should simply vanish since they aren't of any use anyway.
    Another thing I'd like to see added is the ability for me to stack identical BPs and BPCs. Agents give you stacked BPs, so why can't I stack identical copies aswell??

  • pinning windows

  • Pinned windows show as 100% transparent. This is bad! In the wondow options I'd like to be able to set the transparency and colors of pinned windows myself.
  • Corporation menu - accounts

  • It's fine that I can see all of my corp's assets in the corporation menu. It sucks big time however that items in the office's lists aren't ordered.
    I won't go into detail. Let's just say that the corporation menu needs a small overhaul. There are many features in that menu that could rock big time but right now they simply suck cause they aren't working properly.

  • Character sheet

  • When I hover my mouse over the character sheet button in the neocom the tooltip should show the skill I'm currently training and how much time is left until completion.

  • Chat

  • First of all, the background of the character listing should show my standing towards every character. When an enemy of mine enters local for example, the backround color of his charpic and name in the list should show the colors I have set in my scanner. For example when I've set people with bad standings to orange I'd like them to show with that background color in the chatlist.
    Additional icons should show deeper information like corporation, standings, threat level (outlaws!), etc etc.
    I'd also like to have an option to switch off the charpics in the listing of people in chat.

  • more tooltips!

  • Tooltips are so absolutely great. Diablo 2 is a great example here. By simply hovering your mouse over an item you can see all of its stats.
    In eve we should have an option to toggle the tooltip to make it show all of a modules information in the tooltip. That would save us the hassle of doing show-info on everything. As mentioned however you should be able to toggle this on/off because I know there are people who don't like these kind of tooltips.

  • reprocessing plant

  • We need checkboxes so that we can recycle multiple items at once!!
    You don't see this as priority?? Well then let me take your UI-guy and force him to recycle one of my corporation's bigger hangars. When he's done after 4 days he'll probably understand how important this is.
  • Escrow

  • Fix it!! Nuff said.

OK this is it for now. I know that nobody is going to give a damn but I just wanted to write it down.

Caleb Ayrania
Caleb Ayrania

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Posted - 2004.05.28 13:29:00 - [3]

I am quite sure someone cares..

Lets just hope ccp does so aswell. They are the ones that need to know these things..

Although I do get the feel that missile damage balancing is higher on the priority list of theirs for some strange reason..

HAuler Size, Hit Points, to prolong battles.. and dynamic pricings on Facilities are ammong my favorite topics..

No Economy consideration= Game inflation ; result is game dies a slow death..

Fix it or wait for the end.. plenty of alternative games on the horizon guess it might be about time to start looking.. Waiting for the important fixes for more than 6 months and being served lame minor content and small fixes is getting to me I guess..
Caleb Ayrania
Caleb Ayrania

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Posted - 2004.05.28 13:29:00 - [4]

I am quite sure someone cares..

Lets just hope ccp does so aswell. They are the ones that need to know these things..

Although I do get the feel that missile damage balancing is higher on the priority list of theirs for some strange reason..

HAuler Size, Hit Points, to prolong battles.. and dynamic pricings on Facilities are ammong my favorite topics..

No Economy consideration= Game inflation ; result is game dies a slow death..

Fix it or wait for the end.. plenty of alternative games on the horizon guess it might be about time to start looking.. Waiting for the important fixes for more than 6 months and being served lame minor content and small fixes is getting to me I guess..

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Posted - 2004.05.28 13:43:00 - [5]

Edited by: Shiakarma on 28/05/2004 13:44:09
Originally by: Caleb Ayrania

HAuler Size, Hit Points, to prolong battles.. and dynamic pricings on Facilities are ammong my favorite topics..

And horns on the ships right? I mean that's up there too yeah?


Computer games don't affect children. If PacMan had affected us as kids then we'd all be running around in dark rooms, munching pills and listening to repetitive music.
Mythos Corp
RAZOR Alliance

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Posted - 2004.05.28 13:43:00 - [6]

Edited by: Shiakarma on 28/05/2004 13:44:09
Originally by: Caleb Ayrania

HAuler Size, Hit Points, to prolong battles.. and dynamic pricings on Facilities are ammong my favorite topics..

And horns on the ships right? I mean that's up there too yeah?


Ancient GODSŤ power

glorious emotion
glorious emotion

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Posted - 2004.05.28 16:08:00 - [7]

Edited by: glorious emotion on 28/05/2004 16:20:02
Great post MaiLina :)

I'd like to add the in-game browser as a potentially crucial element of the UI. It could be so useful if it supported more advanced html and if the official EVE website supported it better. It's plain daft that the in-game browser and the forums don't even work together.

I also think the in-game index needs to be kept really up to date. I'd expect that closer integration of the game and the website will reduce customer support demands significantly by connecting more EVE players with the wealth of fansites and useful material available.


OK, I just saw this Embarassed. Thanks CCP!

In Testing
Friday, 7 May, 2004

New ingame webbrowser

The new ingame webbrowser is able to handle many HTML 4 tags and functions. It allows use of colors, various font attributes and sizes, tables, image maps, background images, CSS1/2, and so on. The support will not be complete but it improves displaying of your websites a lot. Furthermore we will add more ways to trigger ingame functions with websites. Displaying a EVE starmaps or paying in ISK for a website will be possible.

Restricted testing of the new ingame webbrowser is possible now. If you are intested, download the Shiva client, start it, and hit ctrl+alt+shift+b in Login screen. The browser window will open then.

A preliminary documentation is available here.

Which PA character are you?
glorious emotion
glorious emotion

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Posted - 2004.05.28 16:08:00 - [8]

Edited by: glorious emotion on 28/05/2004 16:20:02
Great post MaiLina :)

I'd like to add the in-game browser as a potentially crucial element of the UI. It could be so useful if it supported more advanced html and if the official EVE website supported it better. It's plain daft that the in-game browser and the forums don't even work together.

I also think the in-game index needs to be kept really up to date. I'd expect that closer integration of the game and the website will reduce customer support demands significantly by connecting more EVE players with the wealth of fansites and useful material available.


OK, I just saw this Embarassed. Thanks CCP!

In Testing
Friday, 7 May, 2004

New ingame webbrowser

The new ingame webbrowser is able to handle many HTML 4 tags and functions. It allows use of colors, various font attributes and sizes, tables, image maps, background images, CSS1/2, and so on. The support will not be complete but it improves displaying of your websites a lot. Furthermore we will add more ways to trigger ingame functions with websites. Displaying a EVE starmaps or paying in ISK for a website will be possible.

Restricted testing of the new ingame webbrowser is possible now. If you are intested, download the Shiva client, start it, and hit ctrl+alt+shift+b in Login screen. The browser window will open then.

A preliminary documentation is available here.

Which PA character are you?
MaiLina KaTar
MaiLina KaTar

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Posted - 2004.05.28 18:54:00 - [9]

more stuff:

  • scanner
    Sometimes it behaves like a b...
    Things I just shot down should vanish from the scanner instantly! I can't tell you how annoyed I become when I waste valuable time trying to lock a target that doesn't even exist any more.
    This becomes very obvious when you fight large groups of NPCs or fleet battles. Coupled with lag, this can lead to your ship going down.
    I'm not even going to talk about the bugs I encountered so far, as I find most of them commonly known. The scanner is one of the most important features in this game, therefor it should work as expected: fast and reliable!

  • ship-UI: setting speed
    Being able to adjust the speed of my ship is great. It sucks however that commands I gave to my ship before I raise/lower my desired speed are overwritten when I adjust.
    When approaching a cargo can for example and I put on my MWD and then set the speed down a few bars the ship just flies on in a straight line and will not follow the orbit command I gave earlier.

  • combat UI
    I find the large ship-icons when I have something locked sitting right in your face blocking the view extremely disturbing. The scanner is such a useful tool and if it would show shield/armor/structure stats of the ships around me in nice colored bars right under the name, these uberlarge icons wouldn't be necessary.
    Switching active targets should be possible by clicking on scanner listentries; Shift-leftclick should lock/unlock a target; Ctrl-LC should set the camera on target; Alt-LC should show info the target. Additionally, all these should be customizable so that you can set Ctrl-LC to "start convo" if you're more the trader type of guy.
    All these are pretty small enhancements for the scanner that would improve it's usability by 300%. It would also move those damn icons off the screen so that you can actually enjoy the beauty of combat instead of dragging icons around as if you're playing some crap flashgame.

  • inflight icons
    Fighting usually happens at distances above 10km. At that distance, everything smaller than a battleship will look very small on your screen, which is good because it's realistic. What sucks however is the fact that the blips are sitting right on those ships, completely blocking that last bit you might be able to see.
    Change the ship-blips to arrows pointing at the ships from above, and let small letters or the size of the blip tell what class of ship it is.
    I don't understand why the UI is hiding so much of Eve's beauty under blips and icons...

  • Chat - chapter 2
    Take a look at mirc, then you'll know what I want. There are lots of commands and options that could be added to make the ingame chat much more useful for both simple chat and coordinated chat like gangchat for example.
    Even moneytransfer should be possible via chat. Somethink like "/givemoney TomB 1000000".

More might come later... maybe. You guys keep adding your stuff!! Keep it limited to stuff about the GUI tho... maybe we can wrap up something useful for one of them devs to swallow.

Mai's Idealog
MaiLina KaTar
MaiLina KaTar

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Posted - 2004.05.28 18:54:00 - [10]

more stuff:

  • scanner
    Sometimes it behaves like a b...
    Things I just shot down should vanish from the scanner instantly! I can't tell you how annoyed I become when I waste valuable time trying to lock a target that doesn't even exist any more.
    This becomes very obvious when you fight large groups of NPCs or fleet battles. Coupled with lag, this can lead to your ship going down.
    I'm not even going to talk about the bugs I encountered so far, as I find most of them commonly known. The scanner is one of the most important features in this game, therefor it should work as expected: fast and reliable!

  • ship-UI: setting speed
    Being able to adjust the speed of my ship is great. It sucks however that commands I gave to my ship before I raise/lower my desired speed are overwritten when I adjust.
    When approaching a cargo can for example and I put on my MWD and then set the speed down a few bars the ship just flies on in a straight line and will not follow the orbit command I gave earlier.

  • combat UI
    I find the large ship-icons when I have something locked sitting right in your face blocking the view extremely disturbing. The scanner is such a useful tool and if it would show shield/armor/structure stats of the ships around me in nice colored bars right under the name, these uberlarge icons wouldn't be necessary.
    Switching active targets should be possible by clicking on scanner listentries; Shift-leftclick should lock/unlock a target; Ctrl-LC should set the camera on target; Alt-LC should show info the target. Additionally, all these should be customizable so that you can set Ctrl-LC to "start convo" if you're more the trader type of guy.
    All these are pretty small enhancements for the scanner that would improve it's usability by 300%. It would also move those damn icons off the screen so that you can actually enjoy the beauty of combat instead of dragging icons around as if you're playing some crap flashgame.

  • inflight icons
    Fighting usually happens at distances above 10km. At that distance, everything smaller than a battleship will look very small on your screen, which is good because it's realistic. What sucks however is the fact that the blips are sitting right on those ships, completely blocking that last bit you might be able to see.
    Change the ship-blips to arrows pointing at the ships from above, and let small letters or the size of the blip tell what class of ship it is.
    I don't understand why the UI is hiding so much of Eve's beauty under blips and icons...

  • Chat - chapter 2
    Take a look at mirc, then you'll know what I want. There are lots of commands and options that could be added to make the ingame chat much more useful for both simple chat and coordinated chat like gangchat for example.
    Even moneytransfer should be possible via chat. Somethink like "/givemoney TomB 1000000".

More might come later... maybe. You guys keep adding your stuff!! Keep it limited to stuff about the GUI tho... maybe we can wrap up something useful for one of them devs to swallow.
Hiigara Soban
Hiigara Soban

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Posted - 2004.05.28 20:10:00 - [11]

I agree with what you said about the scanner especially... I am an explorer/trader so i have the scanner open pretty much all the time i am playing the game, and especially when using the directional scanner it can get very very frustrating at times... i get pretty sick of the number of times that ill do a 30 degree or 60 degree scan when i can see planets and asteriod belts directly in front of the camera in the middle of the screen and in front of the ship as well, and it says NOTHING FOUND until i click scan about 10 times and move the camera just a bit. Even then, when i change angles from 60 to 30 and scan the entire 60 degree area that i previosly scanned, i still do not find some of the objects i saw just moments before.. and when i do a range scan at max range some objects apear on the scanner and then disapear after i hit scan a few more times without changing the range and without moving my ship (im talking about stationary objects like flotsams, abandoned stations, rock formations and debres, etc.). Scanner is very slow and inaccurate.. i know Shiva will have a new and improved scanner added to the game but i hope it will be making the scanner faster and more accurate too instead of just adding new features to it.
Need moons scanned for a corporation Starbase? Convo or eve-mail me in-game for price details. I suply probes.
Hiigara Soban
Hiigara Soban
Caldari Provisions

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Posted - 2004.05.28 20:10:00 - [12]

I agree with what you said about the scanner especially... I am an explorer/trader so i have the scanner open pretty much all the time i am playing the game, and especially when using the directional scanner it can get very very frustrating at times... i get pretty sick of the number of times that ill do a 30 degree or 60 degree scan when i can see planets and asteriod belts directly in front of the camera in the middle of the screen and in front of the ship as well, and it says NOTHING FOUND until i click scan about 10 times and move the camera just a bit. Even then, when i change angles from 60 to 30 and scan the entire 60 degree area that i previosly scanned, i still do not find some of the objects i saw just moments before.. and when i do a range scan at max range some objects apear on the scanner and then disapear after i hit scan a few more times without changing the range and without moving my ship (im talking about stationary objects like flotsams, abandoned stations, rock formations and debres, etc.). Scanner is very slow and inaccurate.. i know Shiva will have a new and improved scanner added to the game but i hope it will be making the scanner faster and more accurate too instead of just adding new features to it.
Etoile Chercheur
Etoile Chercheur

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Posted - 2004.05.29 02:49:00 - [13]

great ideas, all of them, MaiLina. i find myself nodding at each one, seeing that it makes sense and would go a long ways towards making EVE a more user-friendly environment.

Midshipman Etoile Chercheur - Logistics Division (M&T) | Hadean Drive Yards
Etoile Chercheur
Etoile Chercheur
Phoenix Propulsion Labs
Firmus Ixion

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Posted - 2004.05.29 02:49:00 - [14]

great ideas, all of them, MaiLina. i find myself nodding at each one, seeing that it makes sense and would go a long ways towards making EVE a more user-friendly environment.

Midshipman Etoile Chercheur - Logistics Division (M&T) | Hadean Drive Yards

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Posted - 2004.05.29 04:20:00 - [15]

I agree on almost all, I dont want just a list of stuff in my hangar, maybe small icons like in the refinery?

Also, I find the locked target icons about the right size, but then maybe if i played in 1024*768 or whatever I'd agree.


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Posted - 2004.05.29 04:20:00 - [16]

I agree on almost all, I dont want just a list of stuff in my hangar, maybe small icons like in the refinery?

Also, I find the locked target icons about the right size, but then maybe if i played in 1024*768 or whatever I'd agree.


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Posted - 2004.05.29 05:17:00 - [17]

Well since we're talking about the UI and I noticed someone mentioned the browser. Why don't CCP just embed the gecko rendering engine from Mozilla/Firefox into the game? Wouldn't be that hard. It's small. It's portable. And it's 100% standards compliant. =)
I have taken all knowledge to by my province. - Sir Francis Bacon
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Posted - 2004.05.29 05:17:00 - [18]

Well since we're talking about the UI and I noticed someone mentioned the browser. Why don't CCP just embed the gecko rendering engine from Mozilla/Firefox into the game? Wouldn't be that hard. It's small. It's portable. And it's 100% standards compliant. =)

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Posted - 2004.05.29 09:24:00 - [19]

Great ideas here, all of them very well thought out Smile
British Space Corporation

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Posted - 2004.05.29 09:24:00 - [20]

Great ideas here, all of them very well thought out Smile

"If it moooves, compile it." - Larry the cow
Serious Masta
Serious Masta

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Posted - 2004.05.29 20:31:00 - [21]

Originally by: Inquisitus
Great ideas here, all of them very well thought out Smile


Serious Masta
Serious Masta
Deep Core Mining Inc.

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Posted - 2004.05.29 20:31:00 - [22]

Originally by: Inquisitus
Great ideas here, all of them very well thought out Smile



R Dan
R Dan

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Posted - 2004.05.29 21:46:00 - [23]

very good ideas :) me likes, CCP take heed Very Happy

Bite me....for i taste good :)

R Dan
R Dan
Infinite Improbability Inc
Dusk and Dawn

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Posted - 2004.05.29 21:46:00 - [24]

very good ideas :) me likes, CCP take heed Very Happy

I will save you, but make sure you bring beer - Wrangler
and cAKe - Imaran

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Posted - 2004.06.01 03:56:00 - [25]

GUI is the part of the game players deal with the most....please take these thoughts & give them proper consideration.

Dark and Light inc.

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Posted - 2004.06.01 03:56:00 - [26]

GUI is the part of the game players deal with the most....please take these thoughts & give them proper consideration.


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Posted - 2004.06.01 04:55:00 - [27]

One thing I really want is the ability to organize your inventory on a ship and on the station into something like folders kind of like you do when setting up divisions for a corp... This way everything can be much more manageable!



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Posted - 2004.06.01 04:55:00 - [28]

One thing I really want is the ability to organize your inventory on a ship and on the station into something like folders kind of like you do when setting up divisions for a corp... This way everything can be much more manageable!



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Posted - 2004.09.25 13:14:00 - [29]

You should go and take a close look at the siva page, a lot of changes you want are already done actually ;)
The ship-UI-see-all-slots-at-once thing was posted in another thread, the performance thing is fixed [read it in a devblog or ont he forums a couple a weeks ago]
the showing cargo/hangar as list idea is finished AND theres a screenshot of it in the shiva oart of the e-o site ;)

Theres a couple of other sweet GUI changes coming as well :)
I do hope they give some love to the scanner system as its a bit bugged atm :)

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Posted - 2004.09.25 13:14:00 - [30]

You should go and take a close look at the siva page, a lot of changes you want are already done actually ;)
The ship-UI-see-all-slots-at-once thing was posted in another thread, the performance thing is fixed [read it in a devblog or ont he forums a couple a weeks ago]
the showing cargo/hangar as list idea is finished AND theres a screenshot of it in the shiva oart of the e-o site ;)

Theres a couple of other sweet GUI changes coming as well :)
I do hope they give some love to the scanner system as its a bit bugged atm :)
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EVE Online, the EVE logo, EVE and all associated logos and designs are the intellectual property of CCP hf. All artwork, screenshots, characters, vehicles, storylines, world facts or other recognizable features of the intellectual property relating to these trademarks are likewise the intellectual property of CCP hf. EVE Online and the EVE logo are the registered trademarks of CCP hf. All rights are reserved worldwide. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. CCP hf. has granted permission to to use EVE Online and all associated logos and designs for promotional and information purposes on its website but does not endorse, and is not in any way affiliated with, CCP is in no way responsible for the content on or functioning of this website, nor can it be liable for any damage arising from the use of this website.