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Angry Sheep
Angry Sheep

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Posted - 2003.09.10 09:53:00 - [61]

Thats exactly the set up I wanted to use and I think would really help sell the game, all your trade and comms in one window (and they are a lot) and main fight / ship window on your main.

At he mo I am stuck with mirc on one and the game on the other

please please all file bug reports to help the cause

It's a Dog eat Dog World out there and I'm wearing Milky Bone underwear

Angry Sheep
Angry Sheep

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Posted - 2003.09.10 09:53:00 - [62]

Thats exactly the set up I wanted to use and I think would really help sell the game, all your trade and comms in one window (and they are a lot) and main fight / ship window on your main.

At he mo I am stuck with mirc on one and the game on the other

please please all file bug reports to help the cause

It's a Dog eat Dog World out there and I'm wearing Milky Bone underwear

Sister Tuesday
Sister Tuesday

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Posted - 2003.10.14 16:05:00 - [63]

damn, me and my friends got all excited about setting up dual monitors, failed, and found this thread.

about the only thing i could think of would be to extend the horizontal (as suggested), but run it on three monitors so the ship & controls would be in the middle.

of course, this is not true multi-monitor supoport and these would all be forward facing views (or rather one very wide forward facing view). you would have no way to angle the views for the side monitors. essentaily the same solution as the guy with the "dakota video splitter."

looks like true multi monitor support will require ancillary software, like the "worldview" software for ms flight simulator, and multiple computers/graphics cards to render the multiple views, as seen in that earlier link to steve ferris' flight sim setup.

i'm not gonna hold my breath.

Sister Tuesday
Sister Tuesday

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Posted - 2003.10.14 16:05:00 - [64]

damn, me and my friends got all excited about setting up dual monitors, failed, and found this thread.

about the only thing i could think of would be to extend the horizontal (as suggested), but run it on three monitors so the ship & controls would be in the middle.

of course, this is not true multi-monitor supoport and these would all be forward facing views (or rather one very wide forward facing view). you would have no way to angle the views for the side monitors. essentaily the same solution as the guy with the "dakota video splitter."

looks like true multi monitor support will require ancillary software, like the "worldview" software for ms flight simulator, and multiple computers/graphics cards to render the multiple views, as seen in that earlier link to steve ferris' flight sim setup.

i'm not gonna hold my breath.


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Posted - 2003.10.15 05:45:00 - [65]

I'm not sure what the problem is with the nvidia people....

but with the ATI cards... its not ccp's fault... its ATIs.. their cards don't directly support hardware acceleration using dual monitors.. it is only acelerated on the primary one.

If you drag eve onto your second monitor it will go extremely slow... or at least it does do on my machine.

I read somewhere you can have opengl acceleration on both monitors if you use softfiregl.

Also read somewhere that taking out a resister and soldering another somewhere on your gfx card solves the problem, but that obviously is a no go area for most of us.

If anyone knows about how to span Videos and games on a 9800 pro across 2 monitors using the one card, please post it (will be same as most 9000series).

I did see somewhere but can't remember or find where i saw it.. that the 9800pro supports Hardware acceleration on both monitors if they are fulll screened.. i have never got it working tho, may have been a mistake.

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Posted - 2003.10.15 05:45:00 - [66]

I'm not sure what the problem is with the nvidia people....

but with the ATI cards... its not ccp's fault... its ATIs.. their cards don't directly support hardware acceleration using dual monitors.. it is only acelerated on the primary one.

If you drag eve onto your second monitor it will go extremely slow... or at least it does do on my machine.

I read somewhere you can have opengl acceleration on both monitors if you use softfiregl.

Also read somewhere that taking out a resister and soldering another somewhere on your gfx card solves the problem, but that obviously is a no go area for most of us.

If anyone knows about how to span Videos and games on a 9800 pro across 2 monitors using the one card, please post it (will be same as most 9000series).

I did see somewhere but can't remember or find where i saw it.. that the 9800pro supports Hardware acceleration on both monitors if they are fulll screened.. i have never got it working tho, may have been a mistake.

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Posted - 2003.11.08 13:26:00 - [67]

I've looked on the dev list and planned features and it doesn't look like it's there....

I went out and bought a second monitor for this game!!! poo

Think it's important that EVE runs in 2 windows as well as dual monitor fullscreen.... any dev's reading this???
Masuat'aa Matari

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Posted - 2003.11.08 13:26:00 - [68]

I've looked on the dev list and planned features and it doesn't look like it's there....

I went out and bought a second monitor for this game!!! poo

Think it's important that EVE runs in 2 windows as well as dual monitor fullscreen.... any dev's reading this???

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Posted - 2003.11.19 12:39:00 - [69]

I was planning on buying the second monitor until i read this post. Shouldn't this just be marked down as a bug and then fixed? Or is that just me being stupid...
Experience is something you get just after you needed it.

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Posted - 2003.11.19 12:39:00 - [70]

I was planning on buying the second monitor until i read this post. Shouldn't this just be marked down as a bug and then fixed? Or is that just me being stupid...
Experience is something you get just after you needed it.

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Posted - 2003.12.27 10:38:00 - [71]

Is this problem still not solved ?

I hope it will work one day

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Posted - 2003.12.27 10:38:00 - [72]

Is this problem still not solved ?

I hope it will work one day
Brent Steel
Brent Steel

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Posted - 2004.03.21 17:38:00 - [73]

Think yourself Luck ReSpAwN, I just splashed out ú800 for 2 19" flatscreens because I thought it could handle 2 displays. One is acting as a very expensive paper weight. Can we please have an official response to this CCP as has been requested several times. It will not take you long and it is very rude to ignore your paying customers requests for information. Even if the official answer is "no, it can't be done" (which I'm sure is the answer none of us want to hear) at least we will know it is not going to happen and can stop wasting our time trying to find a solution.
Brent Steel
Brent Steel
Deep Core Mining Inc.

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Posted - 2004.03.21 17:38:00 - [74]

Think yourself Luck ReSpAwN, I just splashed out ú800 for 2 19" flatscreens because I thought it could handle 2 displays. One is acting as a very expensive paper weight. Can we please have an official response to this CCP as has been requested several times. It will not take you long and it is very rude to ignore your paying customers requests for information. Even if the official answer is "no, it can't be done" (which I'm sure is the answer none of us want to hear) at least we will know it is not going to happen and can stop wasting our time trying to find a solution.

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Posted - 2004.03.22 03:31:00 - [75]

Think yourself Luck ReSpAwN, I just splashed out ú800 for 2 19" flatscreens because I thought it could handle 2 displays. One is acting as a very expensive paper weight. Can we please have an official response to this CCP as has been requested several times. It will not take you long and it is very rude to ignore your paying customers requests for information. Even if the official answer is "no, it can't be done" (which I'm sure is the answer none of us want to hear) at least we will know it is not going to happen and can stop wasting our time trying to find a solution.

The problem isn't with the game. Its with the vid card 99% of the time. Most cards do not support hardware acceleration on both monitors. (matrox being one of the few exceptions) The nVidia cards have a "workaround" where you set the desktop to span multiple monitors, but the card thinks it's just one REALLY wide display. ATI doesn't have this spanning feature. if you want to see the problem in action, hook up both monitors, run in windowed mode, and drag the window to the secondary monitor. watch what happens.

Personally, I use my 2nd monitor for all my browsing, chatting, and excel work for eve. Eve makes me use alot of Excel. :D


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Posted - 2004.03.22 03:31:00 - [76]

Think yourself Luck ReSpAwN, I just splashed out ú800 for 2 19" flatscreens because I thought it could handle 2 displays. One is acting as a very expensive paper weight. Can we please have an official response to this CCP as has been requested several times. It will not take you long and it is very rude to ignore your paying customers requests for information. Even if the official answer is "no, it can't be done" (which I'm sure is the answer none of us want to hear) at least we will know it is not going to happen and can stop wasting our time trying to find a solution.

The problem isn't with the game. Its with the vid card 99% of the time. Most cards do not support hardware acceleration on both monitors. (matrox being one of the few exceptions) The nVidia cards have a "workaround" where you set the desktop to span multiple monitors, but the card thinks it's just one REALLY wide display. ATI doesn't have this spanning feature. if you want to see the problem in action, hook up both monitors, run in windowed mode, and drag the window to the secondary monitor. watch what happens.

Personally, I use my 2nd monitor for all my browsing, chatting, and excel work for eve. Eve makes me use alot of Excel. :D
Brent Steel
Brent Steel

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Posted - 2004.03.22 19:11:00 - [77]

Edited by: Brent Steel on 25/03/2004 14:16:47

The problem isn't with the game. Its with the vid card 99% of the time. Most cards do not support hardware acceleration on both monitors. (matrox being one of the few exceptions) The nVidia cards have a "workaround" where you set the desktop to span multiple monitors, but the card thinks it's just one REALLY wide display. ATI doesn't have this spanning feature. if you want to see the problem in action, hook up both monitors, run in windowed mode, and drag the window to the secondary monitor. watch what happens.

Personally, I use my 2nd monitor for all my browsing, chatting, and excel work for eve. Eve makes me use alot of Excel. :D

That is the way I currently play, I know about the accel issues, but this is why there needs to be some OFFICIAL CCP INPUT on the subject. I almost got my card to let me run eve full screen on one monitor and be able to use stuff on he other, without eve minimising, but it turned out to be an oddity/bug that is not easily or consistently repeatable. My main annoyance is the fact that in all the multi monitor threads there are, I have not seen one piece of input from a dev, despite many people asking. This is obviously an issue which quite a few people are interested in, they could at least give us the curtasy of a response.
Brent Steel
Brent Steel
Deep Core Mining Inc.

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Posted - 2004.03.22 19:11:00 - [78]

Edited by: Brent Steel on 25/03/2004 14:16:47

The problem isn't with the game. Its with the vid card 99% of the time. Most cards do not support hardware acceleration on both monitors. (matrox being one of the few exceptions) The nVidia cards have a "workaround" where you set the desktop to span multiple monitors, but the card thinks it's just one REALLY wide display. ATI doesn't have this spanning feature. if you want to see the problem in action, hook up both monitors, run in windowed mode, and drag the window to the secondary monitor. watch what happens.

Personally, I use my 2nd monitor for all my browsing, chatting, and excel work for eve. Eve makes me use alot of Excel. :D

That is the way I currently play, I know about the accel issues, but this is why there needs to be some OFFICIAL CCP INPUT on the subject. I almost got my card to let me run eve full screen on one monitor and be able to use stuff on he other, without eve minimising, but it turned out to be an oddity/bug that is not easily or consistently repeatable. My main annoyance is the fact that in all the multi monitor threads there are, I have not seen one piece of input from a dev, despite many people asking. This is obviously an issue which quite a few people are interested in, they could at least give us the curtasy of a response.
Lettuce Prey
Lettuce Prey

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Posted - 2004.04.13 07:24:00 - [79]

i have the nvidia 5200.
very nice card.
i read the posts here and just grabbed the monitor on one of the other computers here in the house.
i get the extra wide desktop.
i can drag the windowed version over to the other desktop, or let it sit in between. half the window in each screen.

but i can't get the window to span the full width of both displays.

this sounds like other posts i have read here.

this browser window, in windowed mode, will span the full width of both monitors.
i get very long lines of text that way.

but when i click to full screen mode for the browser, it pops to wichever i have chosen for the pimary display, and only fills that screen.

thanks for the posts here, as i was intending to just go buy another monitor because i did not anticipate any problems running on two monitors, till i read these.

you got me to test things, and saved me the cash.

thank you.

nuff sed
Lettuce Prey
Lettuce Prey
Rhinoceros Kitchen

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Posted - 2004.04.13 07:24:00 - [80]

i have the nvidia 5200.
very nice card.
i read the posts here and just grabbed the monitor on one of the other computers here in the house.
i get the extra wide desktop.
i can drag the windowed version over to the other desktop, or let it sit in between. half the window in each screen.

but i can't get the window to span the full width of both displays.

this sounds like other posts i have read here.

this browser window, in windowed mode, will span the full width of both monitors.
i get very long lines of text that way.

but when i click to full screen mode for the browser, it pops to wichever i have chosen for the pimary display, and only fills that screen.

thanks for the posts here, as i was intending to just go buy another monitor because i did not anticipate any problems running on two monitors, till i read these.

you got me to test things, and saved me the cash.

thank you.

nuff sed
Ghost NULL
Ghost NULL

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Posted - 2004.04.16 15:36:00 - [81]

I don¦t really see why it should be hard to code in a second game-window that can ONLY hold information-windows and no 3d-rendering. Adding a menualterative on each window in the game to move them to the second screen and back would then be all that is needed. With this setup you could use whatever crappy gfx-board in a pci-slot to run the second monitor.

I am currently learning Direct-X programming and have allready made applications with 2 windows (one on each monitor) with 3d on the main and simple 2d on the aux. If -I- can do it pretty easily... Wink
Ghost NULL
Ghost NULL

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Posted - 2004.04.16 15:36:00 - [82]

I don¦t really see why it should be hard to code in a second game-window that can ONLY hold information-windows and no 3d-rendering. Adding a menualterative on each window in the game to move them to the second screen and back would then be all that is needed. With this setup you could use whatever crappy gfx-board in a pci-slot to run the second monitor.

I am currently learning Direct-X programming and have allready made applications with 2 windows (one on each monitor) with 3d on the main and simple 2d on the aux. If -I- can do it pretty easily... Wink

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Posted - 2004.04.25 21:55:00 - [83]




i tried so much things to see eve in multi...
but everyone here knows what happens:(

this is depressing because i hate it to play in full screen in the one monitor and have to minimize eve for doing eve things in the right monitor.

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Posted - 2004.04.25 21:55:00 - [84]




i tried so much things to see eve in multi...
but everyone here knows what happens:(

this is depressing because i hate it to play in full screen in the one monitor and have to minimize eve for doing eve things in the right monitor.
Meriones Unguiculatus
Meriones Unguiculatus

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Posted - 2004.04.29 01:08:00 - [85]

Maybe CCP could put in an option so that the ship and control panel can be rendered on the left or right, in addition to the center. This would make dual monitors workable, at least for those graphics cards that support spanning.
Meriones Unguiculatus
Meriones Unguiculatus

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Posted - 2004.04.29 01:08:00 - [86]

Maybe CCP could put in an option so that the ship and control panel can be rendered on the left or right, in addition to the center. This would make dual monitors workable, at least for those graphics cards that support spanning.
Megan Ryder
Megan Ryder

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Posted - 2004.04.29 11:58:00 - [87]

I've been reading this post and another regarding data extraction, and thought of a possible low tech partial solution to both...

Revamp eve insider on the website :)

I run multiple monitors for eve, but use pri for eve and sec for excel and internet.

If eve insider could join chats, view hangar content, manage trades/skills etc... oooh if only

eve-i has a better eve insider than here but without the live data and stats. I know this doesn't come close to having full 3 screen wrap-around with an lcd data screen (hmmm nice thought), but it wouldnt take anywhere near the effort or technical difficulty. Heck, if its sql server, I could do it for them, unlike fullscreen directx on 2-4 monitors.

it would also allow for more tools like eveSkillMonitor to present eve data in a more customisable manner, without opening up the eve protocols.

see also

sry cant find the post about data extraction/mining

just a quick rant sry :)

Megan Ryder
Megan Ryder
Imperial Republic Of the North

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Posted - 2004.04.29 11:58:00 - [88]

I've been reading this post and another regarding data extraction, and thought of a possible low tech partial solution to both...

Revamp eve insider on the website :)

I run multiple monitors for eve, but use pri for eve and sec for excel and internet.

If eve insider could join chats, view hangar content, manage trades/skills etc... oooh if only

eve-i has a better eve insider than here but without the live data and stats. I know this doesn't come close to having full 3 screen wrap-around with an lcd data screen (hmmm nice thought), but it wouldnt take anywhere near the effort or technical difficulty. Heck, if its sql server, I could do it for them, unlike fullscreen directx on 2-4 monitors.

it would also allow for more tools like eveSkillMonitor to present eve data in a more customisable manner, without opening up the eve protocols.

see also

sry cant find the post about data extraction/mining

just a quick rant sry :)


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Posted - 2004.05.03 12:11:00 - [89]

If they could at least support popping out all the information windows onto a second monitor and an uninterupted view on the primary that would be a huge step in the right direction. I used to play flight simulator alot with multi-monitor and just adds a whole new angle (literally) to the game.


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Posted - 2004.05.03 12:11:00 - [90]

If they could at least support popping out all the information windows onto a second monitor and an uninterupted view on the primary that would be a huge step in the right direction. I used to play flight simulator alot with multi-monitor and just adds a whole new angle (literally) to the game.

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