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Posted - 2003.10.13 22:01:00 - [61]

Edited by: Stained on 13/10/2003 22:15:57
Edited by: Stained on 13/10/2003 22:13:48
Evol does not exploit......

As a matter of fact most of the evolution guys are easy to get along with and pretty easy going(cept for Homo Erectus and Flatliner, I think they got a screw or two loose). I doubt they would do something like that. Anyways the server was really unstable yesterday, so don't post without legit proof.

Oh yea, and the whole Logging off and logging on thing is way cheap. It brings the whole aspect of in-game fighting to a who can hide more players way of playing. That just isn't right IMO. No RP'ing aspect to logging in and out at all.

Anyways just puttin my two cents in.

Oh yea, CA pwns you ;).

Hair is Over-rated.

Four Horsemen

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Posted - 2003.10.13 22:01:00 - [62]

Edited by: Stained on 13/10/2003 22:15:57
Edited by: Stained on 13/10/2003 22:13:48
Evol does not exploit......

As a matter of fact most of the evolution guys are easy to get along with and pretty easy going(cept for Homo Erectus and Flatliner, I think they got a screw or two loose). I doubt they would do something like that. Anyways the server was really unstable yesterday, so don't post without legit proof.

Oh yea, and the whole Logging off and logging on thing is way cheap. It brings the whole aspect of in-game fighting to a who can hide more players way of playing. That just isn't right IMO. No RP'ing aspect to logging in and out at all.

Anyways just puttin my two cents in.

Oh yea, CA pwns you ;).

Hair is Over-rated.


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Posted - 2003.10.13 22:27:00 - [63]

Hahah! If this was true, the poster (either Loose Cannon, or Toffi3) would have used their real char instead of an alt. Do a search for what and that char doesn't even exist anymore. They know its not true and didn't wanna look like morons so they posted it on an alt and probably deleted it right after posting. GG

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Posted - 2003.10.13 22:27:00 - [64]

Hahah! If this was true, the poster (either Loose Cannon, or Toffi3) would have used their real char instead of an alt. Do a search for what and that char doesn't even exist anymore. They know its not true and didn't wanna look like morons so they posted it on an alt and probably deleted it right after posting. GG
Joshua Calvert
Joshua Calvert

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Posted - 2003.10.13 22:32:00 - [65]

Edited by: Stained on 13/10/2003 22:15:57
Edited by: Stained on 13/10/2003 22:13:48
Evol does not exploit......

As a matter of fact most of the evolution guys are easy to get along with and pretty easy going(cept for Homo Erectus and Flatliner, I think they got a screw or two loose). I doubt they would do something like that. Anyways the server was really unstable yesterday, so don't post without legit proof.

Oh yea, and the whole Logging off and logging on thing is way cheap. It brings the whole aspect of in-game fighting to a who can hide more players way of playing. That just isn't right IMO. No RP'ing aspect to logging in and out at all.

Anyways just puttin my two cents in.

Oh yea, CA pwns you ;).

Jump-in camping has become de rigeur for the same reasons...lame but effective.

Gives people a taste of what cloaking devices will bring to the game.

Joshua Calvert
Joshua Calvert
Celestial Horizon Corp.

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Posted - 2003.10.13 22:32:00 - [66]

Edited by: Stained on 13/10/2003 22:15:57
Edited by: Stained on 13/10/2003 22:13:48
Evol does not exploit......

As a matter of fact most of the evolution guys are easy to get along with and pretty easy going(cept for Homo Erectus and Flatliner, I think they got a screw or two loose). I doubt they would do something like that. Anyways the server was really unstable yesterday, so don't post without legit proof.

Oh yea, and the whole Logging off and logging on thing is way cheap. It brings the whole aspect of in-game fighting to a who can hide more players way of playing. That just isn't right IMO. No RP'ing aspect to logging in and out at all.

Anyways just puttin my two cents in.

Oh yea, CA pwns you ;).

Jump-in camping has become de rigeur for the same reasons...lame but effective.

Gives people a taste of what cloaking devices will bring to the game.

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Posted - 2003.10.14 01:11:00 - [67]

I have a confession to make.

Since Eve started - nay, even during alpha and beta - we have been using tactics that are not supported by the game engine.

In engagements between equal numbers and classes of ships, one would expect that the outcome would be equal losses. However, due to our exploitation of these tactics, we have always won otherwise equal engagements.

We have been using a similar approach for resource gathering as well as business. Thus allowing us to function independently of any other corporation or entity. Our tactics make Megacyte duplicating look like scrounging for loose change in comparison.

Right now there are other people who have discovered this tactic and they are, to my knowledge, also using it as well. We thought, in the beginning, that everyone would eventually discover it on their own, but unfortunately people have either not found out or are just unwilling to use it to their advantage.

I do also testify that I have not seen Sinister, or CA itself, use these tactics ever. They probably know about it but decide not to use it.

These tactics that are not supported by the game engine, that make otherwise equal engagements imbalanced in favor of those who use it, that have ensured that we always have the resources we need, that allow us to know where all our enemies are, that have always been the deciding factor in each of our victories, that Sinc and CA have never used since the beginning of the conflict... is known as Intelligence. Plain 'ol smarts.

inĀtelĀliĀgence ( P ) Pronunciation Key (n-tl-jns)
a. The capacity to acquire and apply knowledge.
b. The faculty of thought and reason.
c. Superior powers of mind. See Synonyms at mind.
2. An intelligent, incorporeal being, especially an angel.

You have not used this as well in making allegations that we are using or doing things that are... just... no... longer... possible.

Unfortunately, CCP cannot fix the game engine to make everyone equal regardless of intelligence. I believe the appropirate term for this is "GG".

Band of Brothers

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Posted - 2003.10.14 01:11:00 - [68]

I have a confession to make.

Since Eve started - nay, even during alpha and beta - we have been using tactics that are not supported by the game engine.

In engagements between equal numbers and classes of ships, one would expect that the outcome would be equal losses. However, due to our exploitation of these tactics, we have always won otherwise equal engagements.

We have been using a similar approach for resource gathering as well as business. Thus allowing us to function independently of any other corporation or entity. Our tactics make Megacyte duplicating look like scrounging for loose change in comparison.

Right now there are other people who have discovered this tactic and they are, to my knowledge, also using it as well. We thought, in the beginning, that everyone would eventually discover it on their own, but unfortunately people have either not found out or are just unwilling to use it to their advantage.

I do also testify that I have not seen Sinister, or CA itself, use these tactics ever. They probably know about it but decide not to use it.

These tactics that are not supported by the game engine, that make otherwise equal engagements imbalanced in favor of those who use it, that have ensured that we always have the resources we need, that allow us to know where all our enemies are, that have always been the deciding factor in each of our victories, that Sinc and CA have never used since the beginning of the conflict... is known as Intelligence. Plain 'ol smarts.

in+tel+li+gence ( P ) Pronunciation Key (n-tl-jns)
a. The capacity to acquire and apply knowledge.
b. The faculty of thought and reason.
c. Superior powers of mind. See Synonyms at mind.
2. An intelligent, incorporeal being, especially an angel.

You have not used this as well in making allegations that we are using or doing things that are... just... no... longer... possible.

Unfortunately, CCP cannot fix the game engine to make everyone equal regardless of intelligence. I believe the appropirate term for this is "GG".


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Posted - 2003.10.14 01:32:00 - [69]

The logging trick definitely borders on exploitation. It takes no skill at all, and very minimal communication.

"Okay, we're at the gate/station/satellite... everybody but ____ log off."

"Okay, the enemy is shooting at me, log in!"

Honestly... this is lame. I can't believe that some of the posters here who talk smack about how great they are would have to do this to take out their enemies.

Actually, on second thought, I can believe it.
Brutor tribe

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Posted - 2003.10.14 01:32:00 - [70]

The logging trick definitely borders on exploitation. It takes no skill at all, and very minimal communication.

"Okay, we're at the gate/station/satellite... everybody but ____ log off."

"Okay, the enemy is shooting at me, log in!"

Honestly... this is lame. I can't believe that some of the posters here who talk smack about how great they are would have to do this to take out their enemies.

Actually, on second thought, I can believe it.

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Posted - 2003.10.14 01:48:00 - [71]

WTF is all this logging on stuff
how do you know that those pilots are not just sitting at the jump gate from the next system waiting for you??

Just because they "appear" in local right away after you engage the lone pilot, does not mean that they just logged on ffs

Get a clue Cool

Band of Brothers

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Posted - 2003.10.14 01:48:00 - [72]

WTF is all this logging on stuff
how do you know that those pilots are not just sitting at the jump gate from the next system waiting for you??

Just because they "appear" in local right away after you engage the lone pilot, does not mean that they just logged on ffs

Get a clue Cool


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Posted - 2003.10.14 02:20:00 - [73]

Erm... poor attempt there. You can watch people pour into local as they jump in, and almost all of the encounters have been away from the jump-in points. It's blatently obvious when it happens, and it grants an advantage due to out-of-game mechanics. You guys shouldn't have to sink to doing crap like that. You're better than that.
Brutor tribe

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Posted - 2003.10.14 02:20:00 - [74]

Erm... poor attempt there. You can watch people pour into local as they jump in, and almost all of the encounters have been away from the jump-in points. It's blatently obvious when it happens, and it grants an advantage due to out-of-game mechanics. You guys shouldn't have to sink to doing crap like that. You're better than that.
Homo Erectus
Homo Erectus

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Posted - 2003.10.14 02:41:00 - [75]

i said this in the other thread about evol supposedly cheating, so forgive me for repeating myself.

sinister crying about evol's tactics, and crying that we supposedly exploit crap, strikes me as a good signal to all who is really winning this war.

for the longest time, the world of eve thought sinister was some big bad foe. ppl *****ed about them all the time. their lag traps at entry points, stations and gates. they kept doing it. their good close buddies at m0o even openly exploited known bugs.

now, after being chased halfway around the eve universe, still losing the war they started, they are resorting to accusing us of exploitation. they are frowning on us for using 'lame' tactics that 'definitely borders on exploitation'.

it is very clear who is winning this war. when the supposedly almighty wolves of sinister have to resort to such obvious hypocracy.

- fanboy, Q1 2004
Homo Erectus
Homo Erectus

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Posted - 2003.10.14 02:41:00 - [76]

i said this in the other thread about evol supposedly cheating, so forgive me for repeating myself.

sinister crying about evol's tactics, and crying that we supposedly exploit crap, strikes me as a good signal to all who is really winning this war.

for the longest time, the world of eve thought sinister was some big bad foe. ppl *****ed about them all the time. their lag traps at entry points, stations and gates. they kept doing it. their good close buddies at m0o even openly exploited known bugs.

now, after being chased halfway around the eve universe, still losing the war they started, they are resorting to accusing us of exploitation. they are frowning on us for using 'lame' tactics that 'definitely borders on exploitation'.

it is very clear who is winning this war. when the supposedly almighty wolves of sinister have to resort to such obvious hypocracy.

- fanboy, Q1 2004

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Posted - 2003.10.14 04:47:00 - [77]

All this talk about logging off and logging in remind me of RUS. It also reminds me of how, several weeks back, 8 of us in HLW were up against a visible 14 others in local. When we killed one ship local suddenly exploded to 44 people and the entire system became lagged.

If I remember correctly MASS or EV (I forget which) encountered this thing in one of their first fights with CA.

You need to realize where your reports are coming from Xenovetica (assuming you have no hand in this discreditation attempt yourself). It is far easier for your pilots to say "WTF THEY APPEARED OUT OF NOWHERE" after they got killed by a lone ship of ours acting as bait and an anchor for the rest of the squad to warp to. They would rather say that than "we didn't check the adjacent system and we were too eager about killing a lone ship that we didn't realize that he was just delaying us for the rest of his squad to arrive". The former is easier to say and less embarassing.
Band of Brothers

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Posted - 2003.10.14 04:47:00 - [78]

All this talk about logging off and logging in remind me of RUS. It also reminds me of how, several weeks back, 8 of us in HLW were up against a visible 14 others in local. When we killed one ship local suddenly exploded to 44 people and the entire system became lagged.

If I remember correctly MASS or EV (I forget which) encountered this thing in one of their first fights with CA.

You need to realize where your reports are coming from Xenovetica (assuming you have no hand in this discreditation attempt yourself). It is far easier for your pilots to say "WTF THEY APPEARED OUT OF NOWHERE" after they got killed by a lone ship of ours acting as bait and an anchor for the rest of the squad to warp to. They would rather say that than "we didn't check the adjacent system and we were too eager about killing a lone ship that we didn't realize that he was just delaying us for the rest of his squad to arrive". The former is easier to say and less embarassing.

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Posted - 2003.10.14 06:17:00 - [79]

k lets see how this works... assuming that we actually do this logging trick:

evol/fa/sa whoever, enters a hostile system with hostiles docked or in safe spot and nobody attacks them...
"Okay, we're at the gate/station/satellite... everybody but ____ log off."

ca goes into a mad feeding frenzy and attacks lone ship...
"Okay, the enemy is shooting at me, log in!"

evol/fa/sa logs and all ca ships that are not killed are warping...
Honestly... this is lame. I can't believe that some of the posters here who talk smack about how great they are would have to do this to take out their enemies.

this coming from an idiot from an idiot alliance who eagerly use any known exploits.
Actually, on second thought, I can believe it.

idiot?... yup.



-Estarriol, Evolution AZN Calculat
Band of Brothers

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Posted - 2003.10.14 06:17:00 - [80]

k lets see how this works... assuming that we actually do this logging trick:

evol/fa/sa whoever, enters a hostile system with hostiles docked or in safe spot and nobody attacks them...
"Okay, we're at the gate/station/satellite... everybody but ____ log off."

ca goes into a mad feeding frenzy and attacks lone ship...
"Okay, the enemy is shooting at me, log in!"

evol/fa/sa logs and all ca ships that are not killed are warping...
Honestly... this is lame. I can't believe that some of the posters here who talk smack about how great they are would have to do this to take out their enemies.

this coming from an idiot from an idiot alliance who eagerly use any known exploits.
Actually, on second thought, I can believe it.

idiot?... yup.

-Everyone has a photographic memory, some people just don't have any film..

boeses frettchen
boeses frettchen

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Posted - 2003.10.14 06:30:00 - [81]

this so totally reminds me of venal. we did exactly the same there and after almost every kill local was screaming 'exploit'.

its nothing but good coordination and confidence in your enemies stupidity.
boeses frettchen
boeses frettchen
4S Corporation
Morsus Mihi

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Posted - 2003.10.14 06:30:00 - [82]

this so totally reminds me of venal. we did exactly the same there and after almost every kill local was screaming 'exploit'.

its nothing but good coordination and confidence in your enemies stupidity.
Jelwar Kurbani
Jelwar Kurbani

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Posted - 2003.10.14 06:48:00 - [83]

A few questions, if I may.

CA Representitives:

Do you feel that the possiblity of Evolution and her allies' alleged use of CTD and other exploits are hindering your war effort?

Can you confirm or deny allegations that you have in the past or present used CTD or other such exploits for your own purposes?

Are you considering using said exploits in an attempt to as it were "fight fire with fire"?

Evolution-alligned corporations:

Can you confirm or deny these allegations that you have in the past and currently used CTD or other exploits in this war against the CA allies?

Do you believe that these allegations are mearly a "smoke screen" to taint the image of your side of the war?

How far has Evolution penetrated into CA controlled space?

I apologize if these questions seem redundant, but I'd like to establish official statements that can be accurately quoted upon for further arguements and debate. Set things in stone, so to speak.

Jelwar Kurbani, AP Founder
WE will be there...
The Truth At Any Cost!
Jelwar Kurbani
Jelwar Kurbani

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Posted - 2003.10.14 06:48:00 - [84]

A few questions, if I may.

CA Representitives:

Do you feel that the possiblity of Evolution and her allies' alleged use of CTD and other exploits are hindering your war effort?

Can you confirm or deny allegations that you have in the past or present used CTD or other such exploits for your own purposes?

Are you considering using said exploits in an attempt to as it were "fight fire with fire"?

Evolution-alligned corporations:

Can you confirm or deny these allegations that you have in the past and currently used CTD or other exploits in this war against the CA allies?

Do you believe that these allegations are mearly a "smoke screen" to taint the image of your side of the war?

How far has Evolution penetrated into CA controlled space?

I apologize if these questions seem redundant, but I'd like to establish official statements that can be accurately quoted upon for further arguements and debate. Set things in stone, so to speak.

Jelwar Kurbani, AP Founder
WE will be there...
The Truth At Any Cost!

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Posted - 2003.10.14 07:25:00 - [85]

heres a quick question you missed;

Is it true that the members of the CA using megacyte/mineral duplication are responsible for the "baby roid" problem currently affecting eve's closed system of distribution?


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Posted - 2003.10.14 07:25:00 - [86]

heres a quick question you missed;

Is it true that the members of the CA using megacyte/mineral duplication are responsible for the "baby roid" problem currently affecting eve's closed system of distribution?


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Posted - 2003.10.14 07:30:00 - [87]

Can you confirm or deny these allegations that you have in the past and currently used CTD or other exploits in this war against the CA allies?

One of the reasons why we have decided to annihilate Sinc/RUS/m0o and their pirate allies was their usage of exploits. Evolution does not use exploits. We achieve via creativity what our enemies need exploits to do.

Do you believe that these allegations are mearly a "smoke screen" to taint the image of your side of the war?

Yes. They are also intended to serve as an alibi to their reluctance to face us in space. As well as setting a stage for future excuses as to why they are capable of losing 17 ships in a single day to our 0.

How far has Evolution penetrated into CA controlled space?

Evolution is not present in any CA controlled space. CA does not control any space.
Band of Brothers

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Posted - 2003.10.14 07:30:00 - [88]

Can you confirm or deny these allegations that you have in the past and currently used CTD or other exploits in this war against the CA allies?

One of the reasons why we have decided to annihilate Sinc/RUS/m0o and their pirate allies was their usage of exploits. Evolution does not use exploits. We achieve via creativity what our enemies need exploits to do.

Do you believe that these allegations are mearly a "smoke screen" to taint the image of your side of the war?

Yes. They are also intended to serve as an alibi to their reluctance to face us in space. As well as setting a stage for future excuses as to why they are capable of losing 17 ships in a single day to our 0.

How far has Evolution penetrated into CA controlled space?

Evolution is not present in any CA controlled space. CA does not control any space.

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Posted - 2003.10.14 11:19:00 - [89]

The folks making the accusations will no doubt not take my word for it, my being FA, but, having flown with evol in curse for a bit, and watching them operate, I can honestly say I have never ever ever once seen this logon/off trick. All you are seeing is planning, experience, and tactics. I've been on their ts, and to be frank, they simply know what they are doing, as opposed to ca not being able to find their own a-s-s with two hands and a map. I am sure ca has some good pilots, and corps, but their seems to be a pretty big lapse in communication and strategy imho. Well, less the strategy is to hide all damn day...
Evolution..... Just when you thought you were winning.

Band of Brothers

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Posted - 2003.10.14 11:19:00 - [90]

The folks making the accusations will no doubt not take my word for it, my being FA, but, having flown with evol in curse for a bit, and watching them operate, I can honestly say I have never ever ever once seen this logon/off trick. All you are seeing is planning, experience, and tactics. I've been on their ts, and to be frank, they simply know what they are doing, as opposed to ca not being able to find their own a-s-s with two hands and a map. I am sure ca has some good pilots, and corps, but their seems to be a pretty big lapse in communication and strategy imho. Well, less the strategy is to hide all damn day...

GG, only took yas 6 months
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