Statistics for thread
Predict the winner of Outbreak vs HYDRA RELOADED
General statistics  
Total posts 2859
First post 2011-06-19 20:44:00
Last post 2011-06-29 07:10:00
Duration 10 days (active period), 4698 days (since first post)
Daily average 285,9 posts/day (active period), 0,6 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 86 910
Longest post Marlona Sky (1367 characters, posted 2011-06-19 23:02:00)
Average post length 30,4 chars/post
Unique authors 2797 (avg 1,0 posts/author)
90-day posting graph
Top 50 posters in thread Posts (% of total)
Frau Klaps 3 (0,1%)
Marlona Sky 3 (0,1%)
Mars Theran 3 (0,1%)
Mina Sulva'r 3 (0,1%)
Moto Tsume 3 (0,1%)
petchias 3 (0,1%)
alamicsinegru 2 (0,1%)
Alice Krige 2 (0,1%)
Avia Dreamweaver 2 (0,1%)
Azerath 2 (0,1%)
Bad Pinup 2 (0,1%)
Brenda Star 2 (0,1%)
CEE U 2 (0,1%)
Chaka Coatlicue 2 (0,1%)
commercial time 2 (0,1%)
Cooper Anderson Stewart 2 (0,1%)
Creepy Goat 2 (0,1%)
daddys helper 2 (0,1%)
DarkReclaimer 2 (0,1%)
Diandathu 2 (0,1%)
Dinta Zembo 2 (0,1%)
Dukrab 2 (0,1%)
Eris Kaeli 2 (0,1%)
Furiouszap1 2 (0,1%)
Ghost Rider86 2 (0,1%)
Illustra Tyberius 2 (0,1%)
Jimetsu 2 (0,1%)
Jitterka 2 (0,1%)
Judas Aralius 2 (0,1%)
Kei Korono 2 (0,1%)
Ki'Ton 2 (0,1%)
koral123 2 (0,1%)
Lo'Lar 2 (0,1%)
Monya Mo 2 (0,1%)
Mr Vrix 2 (0,1%)
Nikolas Lace 2 (0,1%)
PitchBlack Fury 2 (0,1%)
Professor Liedenbrock 2 (0,1%)
Pyro Researcher 2 (0,1%)
Raec Brinalle 2 (0,1%)
Ranger 1 2 (0,1%)
Raviolia 2 (0,1%)
Redblade 2 (0,1%)
Rockafella93 2 (0,1%)
SilKKZ the3rd 2 (0,1%)
SillyWaif 2 (0,1%)
Skipary 2 (0,1%)
Sladislov 2 (0,1%)
Sregjiwz Yrrej 2 (0,1%)
SwindonBadger 2 (0,1%)
Top 25 alliance posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 2396 (83,8%)
Pandemic Legion 27 (0,9%)
Test Alliance Please Ignore 15 (0,5%)
Morsus Mihi 14 (0,5%)
Northern Coalition. 14 (0,5%)
Goonswarm Federation 13 (0,5%)
BricK sQuAD. 9 (0,3%)
Fatal Ascension 8 (0,3%)
Wildly Inappropriate. 8 (0,3%)
Cascade Imminent 7 (0,2%)
Merciless. 7 (0,2%)
RAZOR Alliance 7 (0,2%)
Imperial 0rder 6 (0,2%)
Noir. Mercenary Group 6 (0,2%)
Nulli Secunda 6 (0,2%)
RED.OverLord 6 (0,2%)
RvB - RED Federation 6 (0,2%)
Veto Corp 6 (0,2%)
Executive Outcomes 5 (0,2%)
Important Internet Spaceship League 5 (0,2%)
Raiden. 5 (0,2%)
White Noise. 5 (0,2%)
Atlas. 4 (0,1%)
C0NVICTED 4 (0,1%)
Top 25 corporation posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 1992 (69,7%)
Deep Core Mining Inc. 9 (0,3%)
GoonWaffe 9 (0,3%)
Caldari Provisions 7 (0,2%)
Red Federation 7 (0,2%)
Sniggerdly 7 (0,2%)
Brutor Tribe 6 (0,2%)
Burning Napalm 6 (0,2%)
Perkone 6 (0,2%)
Body Count Inc. 5 (0,2%)
D00M. 5 (0,2%)
Decadence. 5 (0,2%)
Dreddit 5 (0,2%)
EVE University 5 (0,2%)
Macabre Votum 5 (0,2%)
Noir. 5 (0,2%)
Sebiestor Tribe 5 (0,2%)
SniggWaffe 5 (0,2%)
State War Academy 5 (0,2%)
The Executives 5 (0,2%)
Trillionaire High-Rollers Suicidal Bassoon Orkesta 5 (0,2%)
Viziam 5 (0,2%)
Vrix Nation 5 (0,2%)
Ad Vita Noctu 4 (0,1%)
GK inc. 4 (0,1%)
Missions Mining and Mayhem 4 (0,1%)
Veto. 4 (0,1%)
0utbreak 3 (0,1%)
2plus2isfive 3 (0,1%)
4S Corporation 3 (0,1%)
Aliastra 3 (0,1%)
Blood Works Inc. 3 (0,1%)
Dutch Powerrr 3 (0,1%)
EVE Rogues 3 (0,1%)
Firebird Squadron 3 (0,1%)
Galactic Shipyards Inc 3 (0,1%)
Genos Occidere 3 (0,1%)
Gray Hunters 3 (0,1%)
Habitual Euthanasia 3 (0,1%)
hirr 3 (0,1%)
Legio Prima Victrix 3 (0,1%)
Lyrus Associates 3 (0,1%)
Omega Engineering Inc. 3 (0,1%)
Ordo Drakonis 3 (0,1%)
Paragon Fury 3 (0,1%)
School of Applied Knowledge 3 (0,1%)
Solar Dragons 3 (0,1%)
The First Church of the Azure Carrot 3 (0,1%)
The Scope 3 (0,1%)
Abyss Walkers 2 (0,1%)

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