Statistics for thread
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General statistics  
Total posts 2329
First post 2010-09-14 22:39:00
Last post 2011-09-06 00:44:00
Duration 357 days (active period), 4965 days (since first post)
Daily average 6,5 posts/day (active period), 0,5 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 898 794
Longest post Splatterbug (5089 characters, posted 2010-11-22 01:47:00)
Average post length 385,9 chars/post
Unique authors 908 (avg 2,6 posts/author)
90-day posting graph
Top 50 posters in thread Posts (% of total)
Somerset Mahm 259 (11,1%)
Andrev Nox 142 (6,1%)
avidb 43 (1,8%)
Valeronx 38 (1,6%)
Oktoberfest Mahm 31 (1,3%)
Zelot Blueice 29 (1,2%)
L'amour Sauvage 26 (1,1%)
Marco Redwolf 23 (1,0%)
Me ofcourse 23 (1,0%)
Ishina Fel 21 (0,9%)
Jawarrior2010 20 (0,9%)
Saveritas 19 (0,8%)
carbomb 18 (0,8%)
Symm 17 (0,7%)
Meatay 16 (0,7%)
Nadarius Chrome 13 (0,6%)
Smoulders 13 (0,6%)
Torengire 13 (0,6%)
NorthernBrewer 12 (0,5%)
Raid'En 12 (0,5%)
Titanium PIg 12 (0,5%)
Alexandre Nox 11 (0,5%)
Bald Balls 10 (0,4%)
General Newbold 10 (0,4%)
Iella Wesirri 10 (0,4%)
Arya A 9 (0,4%)
Lord Frost 9 (0,4%)
AssassinationsdoneWrong 8 (0,3%)
Donde Esta 8 (0,3%)
Joss56 8 (0,3%)
Mohingan Dark 8 (0,3%)
Morlie 8 (0,3%)
TheChronik 8 (0,3%)
Calintria 7 (0,3%)
girlkiwi 7 (0,3%)
GrammarNazi 7 (0,3%)
Jam180 7 (0,3%)
Jevvel 7 (0,3%)
Leadstorm 7 (0,3%)
Pink's Deals 7 (0,3%)
Tsra 7 (0,3%)
Anubis Reb0rn 6 (0,3%)
AtheistOfFail 6 (0,3%)
Atnaw 6 (0,3%)
Caterpil 6 (0,3%)
Esme Windblood 6 (0,3%)
Gladi 6 (0,3%)
Hehaw Jimbojohnson 6 (0,3%)
Ishahn 6 (0,3%)
Kirtur Muhaha 6 (0,3%)
Top 25 alliance posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 1539 (66,1%)
Cognitive Development 366 (15,7%)
Cognitive Distortion 92 (4,0%)
Fallen Angels Alliance 24 (1,0%)
Wildly Inappropriate. 22 (0,9%)
Intrepid Crossing 21 (0,9%)
GoonSwarm 14 (0,6%)
United Corporate Ventures 13 (0,6%)
Clownz'R'Us 12 (0,5%)
Apotheosis of Virtue 8 (0,3%)
Ivy League 8 (0,3%)
Pandemic Legion 8 (0,3%)
Journeys End Alliance 7 (0,3%)
R.A.G.E 7 (0,3%)
Veni Vidi Vici Alliance 7 (0,3%)
Northern Coalition. 6 (0,3%)
Test Alliance Please Ignore 6 (0,3%)
Black Star Alliance 5 (0,2%)
BricK sQuAD. 5 (0,2%)
Get Off My Lawn 5 (0,2%)
Merciless. 5 (0,2%)
Sanctuary Pact 5 (0,2%)
Snatch Victory 5 (0,2%)
Cha0s Theory 4 (0,2%)
Chained Reactions 4 (0,2%)
Top 25 corporation posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 1195 (51,3%)
Somer's Omnibus Exploration and Reclamation 259 (11,1%)
SOMER Blink 198 (8,5%)
Celestial Horizon Corp. 52 (2,2%)
Terra Incognita 21 (0,9%)
XTC Cartel 21 (0,9%)
SniggWaffe 19 (0,8%)
Super Team Munkey 18 (0,8%)
The Supernatural Extravaganza 16 (0,7%)
Dashavatara 12 (0,5%)
Brutor tribe 11 (0,5%)
Doom Guard 9 (0,4%)
Underworld Group 9 (0,4%)
EVE University 8 (0,3%)
Night Theifs 8 (0,3%)
The Scope 8 (0,3%)
Therapy. 8 (0,3%)
Blueprint Haus 7 (0,3%)
J0urneys End 7 (0,3%)
Quantum Horizons 7 (0,3%)
Bewilderbeest Inc. 6 (0,3%)
Fractured Millenium 6 (0,3%)
Ganymede Solutions Inc. 6 (0,3%)
Science and Trade Institute 6 (0,3%)
Bene Gesserit ChapterHouse 5 (0,2%)
Deep Core Mining Inc. 5 (0,2%)
Interstellar eXodus 5 (0,2%)
Love n Peace 5 (0,2%)
Peanut Factory 5 (0,2%)
The Unit... 5 (0,2%)
TheHeadFoundry Ind. 5 (0,2%)
Catan Hex Network Inc 4 (0,2%)
Companion Cube Industries 4 (0,2%)
D00M. 4 (0,2%)
Destruction. 4 (0,2%)
Habitual Euthanasia 4 (0,2%)
No.Mercy 4 (0,2%)
Red Tiger Technology 4 (0,2%)
The Python Cartel. 4 (0,2%)
Baseless Foundations 3 (0,1%)
Blue Republic 3 (0,1%)
Cartamundi 3 (0,1%)
Caymen Islands Tax Shelter 3 (0,1%)
Dead Rats Tell No Tales 3 (0,1%)
Debitum Naturae 3 (0,1%)
DeckardsDisciples 3 (0,1%)
Dromedaworks inc 3 (0,1%)
Drunken Armed Pilots 3 (0,1%)
Enlightened Industries 3 (0,1%)
FLA5HY RED 3 (0,1%)

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