Statistics for thread
Open letter to CCP and the community regarding HYDRA and OB ban from ATX
General statistics  
Total posts 490
First post 2012-05-24 22:55:00
Last post 2012-05-26 21:57:00
Duration 2 days (active period), 4358 days (since first post)
Daily average 245,0 posts/day (active period), 0,1 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 490 289
Longest post gazarsgo (4576 characters, posted 2012-05-25 19:16:00)
Average post length 1 000,6 chars/post
Unique authors 155 (avg 3,2 posts/author)
90-day posting graph
Top 50 posters in thread Posts (% of total)
CCP Sreegs 58 (11,8%)
Time Funnel 29 (5,9%)
Intigo 22 (4,5%)
iLLeLogicaL 18 (3,7%)
Kadesh Priestess 18 (3,7%)
Karl Planck 15 (3,1%)
Raimo 14 (2,9%)
Tyrrax Thorrk 11 (2,2%)
Killer Gandry 10 (2,0%)
IamBeastx 9 (1,8%)
ScoRpS 9 (1,8%)
Suleiman Shouaa 9 (1,8%)
Pallidum Treponema 8 (1,6%)
Karbox Delacroix 7 (1,4%)
Michael Harari 7 (1,4%)
Evelgrivion 6 (1,2%)
Kalvunia IV 6 (1,2%)
EvilweaselSA 5 (1,0%)
penifSMASH 5 (1,0%)
Robert Caldera 5 (1,0%)
xo3e 5 (1,0%)
Zowie Powers 5 (1,0%)
Hroya 4 (0,8%)
Dr Robertson 4 (0,8%)
Edenmain 4 (0,8%)
Faffywaffy 3 (0,6%)
Gnaw LF 3 (0,6%)
Duncan Tanner 3 (0,6%)
carbomb 3 (0,6%)
DA Cassel 3 (0,6%)
Anna Katarr 3 (0,6%)
Kratisto 3 (0,6%)
Kyros Xero 3 (0,6%)
Lemster 3 (0,6%)
LooknSee 3 (0,6%)
Luis Graca 3 (0,6%)
Makkz 3 (0,6%)
Nemesis Factor 3 (0,6%)
Officer Nyota Uhura 3 (0,6%)
Ophelia Aivoras 3 (0,6%)
Rhatar Khurin 3 (0,6%)
Spark's 3 (0,6%)
SwindonBadger 3 (0,6%)
Typhu5 3 (0,6%)
Beledia Ilphukiir 2 (0,4%)
Bubanni 2 (0,4%)
DeBingJos 2 (0,4%)
gazarsgo 2 (0,4%)
Gobbins 2 (0,4%)
Halarach 2 (0,4%)
Top 25 alliance posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 146 (29,8%)
C C P Alliance 61 (12,4%)
Pandemic Legion 36 (7,3%)
Test Alliance Please Ignore 31 (6,3%)
Goonswarm Federation 19 (3,9%)
Heretic Nation 17 (3,5%)
Caldari State 12 (2,4%)
Outbreak. 12 (2,4%)
Dystopia Alliance 11 (2,2%)
Ineluctable. 10 (2,0%)
Gallente Federation 7 (1,4%)
Team Liquid 7 (1,4%)
Minmatar Republic 5 (1,0%)
Amarr Empire 4 (0,8%)
Curatores Veritatis Alliance 4 (0,8%)
DarkSide. 4 (0,8%)
RvB - BLUE Republic 4 (0,8%)
Choke Point 3 (0,6%)
Confederation of xXPIZZAXx 3 (0,6%)
The Initiative. 3 (0,6%)
Verge of Collapse 3 (0,6%)
Attero Alliance 2 (0,4%)
Clockwork Pineapple 2 (0,4%)
Top 25 corporation posters in thread Posts (% of total)
C C P 61 (12,4%)
Genos Occidere 51 (10,4%)
Ars ex Discordia 29 (5,9%)
Scalding Chill 18 (3,7%)
The Red Circle Inc. 18 (3,7%)
Heretic Army 17 (3,5%)
- 16 (3,3%)
Sniggerdly 15 (3,1%)
0utbreak 12 (2,4%)
GoonWaffe 12 (2,4%)
Guiding Hand Social Club 11 (2,2%)
The Tuskers 11 (2,2%)
V I R I I 10 (2,0%)
Body Count Inc. 8 (1,6%)
Emo Rage Quit 7 (1,4%)
The Deliberate Forces 7 (1,4%)
The Hatchery 7 (1,4%)
Born-2-Kill 6 (1,2%)
Gunpoint Diplomacy 6 (1,2%)
Caldari Provisions 5 (1,0%)
Caldera Trading and Investment 5 (1,0%)
ElitistOps 5 (1,0%)
Hole in the wall 5 (1,0%)
North Eastern Swat 5 (1,0%)
Amok. 4 (0,8%)
Blue Republic 4 (0,8%)
ImpeviA 4 (0,8%)
Isstastor Corp. 4 (0,8%)
SniggWaffe 4 (0,8%)
AQUILA INC 3 (0,6%)
Clann Fian 3 (0,6%)
Disconnected. 3 (0,6%)
Federal Navy Academy 3 (0,6%)
Fremen Sietch 3 (0,6%)
Imperial Academy 3 (0,6%)
Incestuous Cult of Paranoid Swamp People 3 (0,6%)
Lamorei Prosapia Vexillum 3 (0,6%)
Science and Trade Institute 3 (0,6%)
State War Academy 3 (0,6%)
Super Team Munkey 3 (0,6%)
Terra Hawks 3 (0,6%)
The Hobo Lords 3 (0,6%)
United Earth Directorate 3 (0,6%)
Xuronautics 3 (0,6%)
Avalon Project 2 (0,4%)
Corp 54 2 (0,4%)
Defensores Fidei 2 (0,4%)
draketrain 2 (0,4%)
Exanthesis 2 (0,4%)
Fat People Lag IRL 2 (0,4%)

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